
Book Review: A Little Blue Bottle

A Little Blue Bottle by Jennifer Grant, illustrated by Gillian Whiting When I look back on 2020, my heart grieves thinking of family and friends who have lost loved ones, and could not have a normal memorial service due to COVID-19 restrictions. It seemed like every month this year, a…

Children’s Books that Affirm Diversity

Being Chinese American, having adopted internationally, and having taught in diverse schools, I recognize the importance of cross-cultural awareness and understanding. I am grateful for diverse friendships that have enriched my life and broadened my perspective of God’s love for all people. My hope is that my children will value…

How to be a Calm Mama Bear (Part 2 of 5)

In my first post in this series I shared two strategies to help us stay calm mama bears: Cultivate compassion in the chaos. Communicate simply and slowly. In this post, I will share another calm strategy: Choose the time to converse carefully. This calm strategy seems obvious, but I find…

How to be a Calm Mama Bear (Part 1 of 5)

Calm Mama Bear.  I find this juxtaposition in many adoptive and foster moms.  Like mama bears, we care deeply about protecting children against neglect and abuse. In fact, that is one of the main reasons why we chose to adopt or foster a child.  Some of our children come to…

Unexpected Tears at Target

About six months after my baby died, I went shopping for my kids’ birthday party at Target. Grief struck me unexpectedly as I realized that Samuel would never have his first birthday party and that he wouldn’t be there to celebrate the kids’ birthdays either. Then I took a wrong…